Launch of scholarship and mentoring program

Welcome to our 180 Technical students and 30 undergraduate students who started a new year in the edenor Scholarship and Tutoring Program!

 This year we increased the number of scholarships and added 50 new places for Technical and University women, which represents 50% of the incorporations in 2023.

As part of our Sustainability plan, with a focus on education, diversity, gender, and employment, we have been carrying out since 2020 the edenor Scholarship and Tutoring Program aimed at secondary and university students who receive a monthly allowance, are accompanied by tutors designated by the Reciduca Foundation and have the possibility of carrying out different activities and visits to the company's facilities.

This Program contributes to the development of our country through the promotion of studies in Technical Careers – STEM of vital importance for industrial and technological expansion. It seeks, in turn, to promote the labor insertion of scholarship holders in edenor.

We value your energy!