We are convinced that our team is edenor's greatest strength, which is why we foster the best labor practices that are applied throughout the organization and we promote equal opportunities, diversity and respect among our collaborators in a healthy and productive workplace environment.
Our Value, Our People. Equality and inclusion
As an employer of excellence, we recognize our people as the key to the company's success, committing ourselves to their safety, training, and development, within a framework of respect for their human rights, including the principles of equality, inclusion, and diversity as fundamental pillars.
The foregoing is reflected in the education, training and well-being policies and programs aimed at guaranteeing the best workplace for the development of our collaborators. This is a fundamental pillar to achieve the quality levels in the service that we provide and that distinguishes us.
Our teams’ management is inclusive and participative, with open communications and seeking a balance between achievements and the quality of working life.
Aligned with this commitment, we developed a value proposition for the development of our teams and all those who want to join the company.
Our community
The development of the communities where we operate is critical for us. Electricity distribution is a strategic public service that promotes sustainable development, and as such, our goal is to make it reliable, sustainable, affordable and of good quality for our community. Based on this, we promote education in general and energy education.
Our programs with schools and universities, in which social organizations accompany us, promote education completion, diversity, STEM careers, in line with the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Learn about our initiatives:
Since 2017, through the Electricity Inclusion and Smart Consumption Program, we have been seeking more homes in popular neighborhoods to have access to energy while providing education on its efficient use. This initiative was part of our first Social Bond.
MIDE: Medidor Integrado de Energía
Through MIDE, people have a new way of consuming, saving and paying for electricity. There is no installation cost and it is safe, easy and tailored to each family.
MIDE benefits

The lowest tariff
The MIDE customer consumes the lowest rate in the tariff scheme.

The customer administers the consumption and the energy load that he needs.

Own light
The MIDE customer has the same benefits as a client with a traditional meter. The recharge ticket serves as an address verification document to access other services.

Free installation
There are no additional charges of any kind.

Edenor specialists install the service and leave the MIDE operating with a 150 kWh charge.

Emergency credit
The MIDE customer has 150 kWh of emergency credit.

Wide availability
he customer has more than 5,000 charging stations and several digital applications.

The recharge ticket serves as an address verification document to access other services.

Online recharge
You can also recharge the MIDE with online applications.
Edenor considers the education and employment as a priority axis in its sustainability strategy.
- Scholarship and tuition program.
- Professional practices at edenor and a first job workshop.
- Talks with the company's experts.
- 360° virtual visit to the Anniversary substation.
- First Job Workshop.
- Network digitalization.
- Talk on electrical risk.
- Young engineers program.
- Young technicians program.
It is a program aimed at elementary school children that seeks to explain the importance of electrical energy, its operation, how it reaches their homes, how to make a smart and safe use of electricity and the care that must be taken.
Visit us www.edenorchicos.com